Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Colorado Secretary
of State Jena Griswold |

Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Colorado Secretary
of State Jena Griswold

Picture of Secretary of State Jena Griswold

Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold


Results for Proposed Initiative #94

Ballot Title Setting Board

The title as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

A change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning expanding the Colorado Open Records Act to require disclosure of materials made, maintained, or kept by a local public education provider, and, in connection therewith, expanding the definition of public records to include educational materials used by an educator.

The ballot title and submission clause as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning expanding the Colorado Open Records Act to require disclosure of materials made, maintained, or kept by a local public education provider, and, in connection therewith, expanding the definition of public records to include educational materials used by an educator?

Hearing April 6, 2022

Single subject approved; staff draft amended; titles set.
Board members: Theresa Conley, Julie Pelegrin, David Powell
Hearing adjourned 4:30 PM.

* Unofficially captioned "Educational Materials Under the Colorado Open Records Act" by legislative staff for tracking purposes. This caption is not part of the titles set by the Board.