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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2019-00667

CCR details

Tracking Number 2019-00667
Type of Filing Emergency
Department 500,1008,2500 Department of Human Services
Agency 2506 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
CCR Number 10 CCR 2506-1

Proposed rule

Additional Information
Statutory Authority 26-1-107, C.R.S.; 26-1-109, C.R.S.; 26-1-111, C.R.S.; 26-2-301, C.R.S.; 26-2-302, C.R.S.; 26-2-301.5(2)(a), C.R.S.
Applicable Federal Provisions Agricultural Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-79)
Purpose/Objective of Rule These sections of rule were updated prematurely based on an interim rule issued by the Food and Nutrition Services. Since the interim rule updates that were incorporated into Colorado Food Assistance regulation were not ultimately finalized, rule must be updated to come into compliance with Federal Food Assistance regulations. Currently, residents of Group Living Arrangements (GLA) and Drug and Alcohol (DAA) facilities are receiving a prorated portion of their monthly Food Assistance benefit amounts when they leave the facility. The short and long term impacts of implementing this rule change are that Food Assistance recipients who are leaving a GLA or DAA facility will receive half of their monthly Food Assistance benefits if they leave the facility on or before the 15th of the month. If these individuals leave the facility on the 16th or after, they will not receive any portion of their Food Assistance benefits.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2019-00667.doc
Regulatory analysis RegulatoryAnalysisAttachment2019-00667.doc
Comments Colorado Food Assistance regulations must be updated to come into compliance with Federal Food Assistance regulations. Keeping these regulations as they are currently written would open the state to risk of a federal finding for having the interim rule implemented when these rules were not finalized.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? Yes
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? No
Contact Name Andrea Poole
Contact Title SNAP Policy Supervisor
Contact Telephone 303.866.4748
Contact email Andrea.Poole@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02019-00667.doc
Redline Redline2019-00667.doc
Emergency Justification EmergencyJustificationPathAttach2019-00667.doc
Adopted Date 11/08/2019
Emergency AGO requested date 11/12/2019
Attorney General Opinion 11/22/2019
Colorado Register publication date 12/10/2019
Effective Date 11/08/2019
Inserted into CCR 11/25/2019
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