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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2018-00602

CCR details

Tracking Number 2018-00602
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 500,1008,2500 Department of Human Services
Agency 2509 Social Services Rules (Volume 7; Child Welfare, Child Care Facilities)
CCR Number 12 CCR 2509-2

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 10/31/2018
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2018-00602.doc
Statutory Authority 26-1-107, C.R.S. (2015) 26-1-109, C.R.S. (2015) 26-1-111, C.R.S. (2015) 26-1-111, C.R. S. (2015)
Description of Subjects/Issues In 2012, the Child Fatality Review Team recommended that the Division of Child Welfare explore the implementation of a safety assessment tool for the Program Area 4 (PA4): Youth in Conflict - population. Additionally, counties and stakeholders expressed concerns that services being provided to the PA4 population lacked consistency between counties. This was largely due to a lack of rules implementing a minimum standard of practice for the PA4 population, which led children/youth to: (1) youth enter placement and cases opening without a caseworker ever meeting a parent in person or seeing the home; (2) youth remaining in care for extended periods of time; and (3) a lack of urgency in locating permanent placements for PA4 children/youth. These rules are intended to increase parent engagement, ensure that all families are assessed for safety and risk, and provide a minimum standard of practice in order to reduce unnecessary out of home placements by promoting the use of kin for out of home placements.
Purpose/Objective of Rule In 2012, the Child Fatality Review Team recommended that the Division of Child Welfare explore the implementation of a safety assessment tool for the Program Area 4 (PA4): Youth in Conflict - population. Additionally, counties and stakeholders expressed concerns that services being provided to the PA4 population lacked consistency between counties. This was largely due to a lack of rules implementing a minimum standard of practice for the PA4 population, which led children/youth to: (1) youth enter placement and cases opening without a caseworker ever meeting a parent in person or seeing the home; (2) youth remaining in care for extended periods of time; and (3) a lack of urgency in locating permanent placements for PA4 children/youth. These rules are intended to increase parent engagement, ensure that all families are assessed for safety and risk, and provide a minimum standard of practice in order to reduce unnecessary out-of-home placements by promoting the use of kin for out of home placements.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2018-00602.pdf
Regulatory analysis RegulatoryAnalysisAttachment2018-00602.pdf
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? No
Hearing Date 12/07/2018
Hearing Time 08:30 AM
Hearing Location 1575 Sherman Street
Contact Name Trevor Williams
Contact Title Rule Author
Contact Telephone 303-866-4539
Contact email trevor.williams@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02018-00602.doc
Redline Redline2018-00602.doc
Adopted Date 01/04/2019
AGO requested date 01/11/2019
Attorney General Opinion 01/24/2019
Colorado Register publication date 02/10/2019
Effective Date 03/15/2019
Inserted into CCR 03/15/2019
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