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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2017-00415

CCR details

Tracking Number 2017-00415
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 400 Department of Natural Resources
Agency 410 Ground Water Commission
CCR Number 2 CCR 410-1

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 09/06/2017
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2017-00415.pdf
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2017-00415.pdf
Statutory Authority The statutory authority for promulgating the Commission’s Rules and any amendments thereto is found at section 37-90-111(1)(h), C.R.S. The Commission's authority over changes of water rights are provided for at section 37-90-111(1)(g).
Description of Subjects/Issues The purpose of the rulemaking hearing is a proposed amendment to Rule 7.4 to prevent a well from increasing depletions of designated ground water beyond the well’s historical depletions when changing the description of irrigated acres allowed to be irrigated by the well.
Purpose/Objective of Rule The purpose of the amendment to Rule 7.4 is to prevent an increase in use of a well when changing the description of acres to be served by a permitted well, and thereby preventing an increase in the withdrawals and depletions of designated groundwater beyond the withdrawals and depletions to the aquifer that would occur if use of the well was limited to the historical use.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2017-00415.doc
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? No
Hearing Date 11/03/2017
Hearing Time 10:00 AM
Hearing Location Town of Castle Rock Council Chambers, 100 Wilcox, 2nd Floor, Castle Rock, CO 80104
Contact Name Keith Vander Horst
Contact Title Chief of Water Supply, Basins
Contact Telephone 303-866-3581x8266
Contact email keith.vanderhorst@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02017-00415.doc
Redline Redline2017-00415.doc
Adopted Date 04/09/2018
AGO requested date 04/09/2018
Attorney General Opinion 04/11/2018
Colorado Register publication date 04/25/2018
Effective Date 05/15/2018
Inserted into CCR 05/08/2018
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