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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2016-00359

CCR details

Tracking Number 2016-00359
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 700 Department of Regulatory Agencies
Agency 732 Division of Professions and Occupations - State Physical Therapy Board
CCR Number 4 CCR 732-1

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 07/28/2016
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2016-00359.rtf
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2016-00359.rtf
Statutory Authority Sections 12-41-103.6(2)(b), 12-41-109(3)(c)(I), 12-41-112.5, 12-41-113(1), 12-41-114(1)(f), 12-41-114.6(1)(b), 12-41-201(3), 12-41-206(3)(c), 24-4-103, 24-4-103.3, 24-4-105(11), 24-34-102(8)(d), and 24-34-102(8.5), C.R.S.
Description of Subjects/Issues The basis and purpose of these proposed changes include a review and update of current Board Rules 101, 209, 210, 214, and 301 in response to a scheduled mandatory review of all Board rules; to amend the remaining rules for purposes of clarification in order to improve upon the understanding of requirements and processes, including the creation of a new Board Rule 101 out of the definitions provided in Board Rule 201 and re-numbering Board Rules 101 through 103 as a result; to repeal Board Rule 209 concerning declaratory orders and re-establish it as Board Rule 105 in order to be applicable to both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; to repeal Board Rule 214 concerning the reporting of criminal convictions, judgments, and administrative proceedings and re-establish it as Board Rule 106 in order to be applicable to both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; and to create a new Board Rule 107 to clarify notification requirements with regard to a mental or physical illness or condition.
Purpose/Objective of Rule A review and update of current Board Rules 101, 209, 210, 214, and 301 in response to a scheduled mandatory review of all Board rules; to amend the remaining rules for purposes of clarification in order to improve upon the understanding of requirements and processes, including the creation of a new Board Rule 101 out of the definitions provided in Board Rule 201 and re-numbering Board Rules 101 through 103 as a result; to repeal Board Rule 209 concerning declaratory orders and re-establish it as Board Rule 105 in order to be applicable to both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; to repeal Board Rule 214 concerning the reporting of criminal convictions, judgments, and administrative proceedings and re-establish it as Board Rule 106 in order to be applicable to both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; and to create a new Board Rule 107 to clarify notification requirements with regard to a mental or physical illness or condition.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2016-00359.rtf
Regulatory analysis RegulatoryAnalysisAttachment2016-00359.pdf
Comments Stakeholders were engaged to solicit input through the following efforts: an email sent on November 19, 2015; a stakeholder meeting held on December 4, 2015; a noticed Board meeting held on January 8, 2016; a noticed Board meeting held on July 8, 2016; an email sent on July 22, 2016; and a webinar and stakeholder meeting held on July 25, 2016. Interested stakeholders were also invited to submit written testimony and/or provide verbal testimony in response to the final draft of the proposed rule amendments at the rulemaking hearing held on September 16, 2016.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? No
Hearing Date 09/16/2016
Hearing Time 09:00 AM
Hearing Location 1560 Broadway, Conference Room 1250 A; Denver, CO 80202
Contact Name (Mo) Maulid Miskell
Contact Title Program Director
Contact Telephone (303) 894-7761
Contact email maulid.miskell@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02016-00359.rtf
Redline Redline2016-00359.rtf
Adopted Date 09/16/2016
AGO requested date 09/20/2016
Attorney General Opinion 09/30/2016
Colorado Register publication date 10/25/2016
Effective Date 11/14/2016
Inserted into CCR 11/09/2016
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