
 Colorado Revised Statutes



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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2016-00138

CCR details

Tracking Number 2016-00138
Type of Filing Correction
Department 1000 Department of Public Health and Environment
Agency 1007 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
CCR Number 6 CCR 1007-1 Part 17

Proposed rule

Additional Information
Comments The Department requests an administrative correction to rule 6 CCR 1007, Pt 17. At the rulemaking hearing in April 2014, the board adopted changes to Table 17A1. At row "U (enriched to 20% or less) (g)" the entry was "See Table 17A-4" with the comment: Correction of reference to appropriate table. Due to a formatting error in track changes the adopted packet submitted to the Secretary of State had "See Table 17A." rather than "See Table 17A4". Given the description in the Statement of Basis and Purpose, the text in the hearing packet, and the editorial note reviewed by the board, the Department asks that an administrative correction occur. To correct the entry to read "See Table 17A4" allows the rule on the Secretary of State's website to mirror what the Board of Health adopted. Please see tracking number 2014-00477 to review the original documents.
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation?

Adopted rule

Correction Document AdoptedRules2016-00138.pdf
AG Correction request date 03/15/2016
AG Correction Letter 03/16/2016
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