Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Colorado Secretary
of State Jena Griswold |

Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Colorado Secretary
of State Jena Griswold

Picture of Secretary of State Jena Griswold

Colorado Secretary of State logo - cube with a C in it

Secretary of State
Jena Griswold


Results for Proposed Initiative #86

Ballot Title Setting Board

The title as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

An amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the right to vote, and, in connection therewith, declaring the existence of a fundamental right to vote; prohibiting state and local governmental entities from: 1) Burdening the exercise of the right to vote by persons legally registered since the previous general election or by persons who have legally voted during the last ten years unless their registration has been invalidated; or 2) Promulgating laws, rules, or policies more limiting than federal law with respect to voter identification.

The ballot title and submission clause as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the right to vote, and, in connection therewith, declaring the existence of a fundamental right to vote; prohibiting state and local governmental entities from: 1) Burdening the exercise of the right to vote by persons legally registered since the previous general election or by persons who have legally voted during the last ten years unless their registration has been invalidated; or 2) Promulgating laws, rules, or policies more limiting than federal law with respect to voter identification?

Hearing April 18, 2012

Single subject approved; staff draft amended; titles set.
Hearing adjourned 11:55 AM

* Unofficially captioned “Voting in State and Local Elections” by legislative staff for tracking purposes. This caption is not part of the titles set by the Board.