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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2021-00207

CCR details

Tracking Number 2021-00207
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 1100 Department of Labor and Employment
Agency 1101 Division of Unemployment Insurance
CCR Number 7 CCR 1101-2

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 03/30/2021
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2021-00207.pdf
Statutory Authority 8-72-102 and 24-4-103, Colorado Revised Statutes
Description of Subjects/Issues - add to Section 2.8, Eligibility Requirements, persons who complete work-search activities to develop new business, to market their business, to seek work with online platforms, and any activity which demonstrates an active search under covered employment. Also clarifies that these activities shall not prohibit the division from later determining that the individual was engaged in covered employment. - add to Section 18.1, Work Share, the statutory reference; to allow negative excess employers to participate in work share; to clarify seasonal status, to change plan modification frequency to 28 days; to add that other part time wages are not reportable; to clarify the range of hours/percentage of hours reduction that employees may work and still qualify for work share; to allow up to 52 weeks of benefits during an economic crisis or declared state of emergency; to clarify the length of the work share plan as 12 months or less after effective date; and adds that under economic crisis or state of emergency, allows benefits normally charged to employer to be charged to the fund. - add to Section 19.1.4, that in a declared state of emergency, the division may waive, modify, or broaden work-search requirements; and to add extension of the protest periods for employers’ quarterly statements of benefits charges, employers’ notice of premium rates, and employers’ quarterly bills of benefits charged.
Purpose/Objective of Rule - add to Section 2.8, Eligibility Requirements, persons who complete work-search activities to develop new business, to market their business, to seek work with online platforms, and any activity which demonstrates an active search under covered employment. Also clarifies that these activities shall not prohibit the division from later determining that the individual was engaged in covered employment. - add to Section 18.1, Work Share, the statutory reference; to allow negative excess employers to participate in work share; to clarify seasonal status, to change plan modification frequency to 28 days; to add that other part time wages are not reportable; to clarify the range of hours/percentage of hours reduction that employees may work and still qualify for work share; to allow up to 52 weeks of benefits during an economic crisis or declared state of emergency; to clarify the length of the work share plan as 12 months or less after effective date; and adds that under economic crisis or state of emergency, allows benefits normally charged to employer to be charged to the fund. - add to Section 19.1.4, that in a declared state of emergency, the division may waive, modify, or broaden work-search requirements; and to add extension of the protest periods for employers’ quarterly statements of benefits charges, employers’ notice of premium rates, and employers’ quarterly bills of benefits charged.
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2021-00207.docx
Comments Only two provisions of these rules are being adopted due to SB20-207. These are in section 18.1.2: To allow negative excess employers to be included in Work Share. To clarify that employers must reduce hours and earnings by a specific percentage that is approved by the division.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? Yes
Recent legislation bill number SB20-207
Hearing Date 04/30/2021
Hearing Time 02:00 PM
Hearing Location https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87010989867 Meeting ID: 870 1098 9867
Contact Name Philip Spesshardt
Contact Title Director, Division of Unemployment Insurance
Contact Telephone 303-318-9415
Contact email Phil.Spesshardt@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules12021-00207.docx
Redline Redline2021-00207.docx
Adopted Date 04/30/2021
AGO requested date 05/05/2021
Attorney General Opinion 05/19/2021
Colorado Register publication date 06/10/2021
Effective Date 06/30/2021
Inserted into CCR 06/24/2021
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