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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2019-00519

CCR details

Tracking Number 2019-00519
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 300 Department of Education
Agency 301 Colorado State Board of Education
CCR Number 1 CCR 301-110

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 09/13/2019
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2019-00519.pdf
Statutory Authority section 22-35.6-101, et. seq. C.R.S.
Description of Subjects/Issues The statutory basis for these rules is found in section 22-35.6-101, et. seq. C.R.S. The High School Innovative Learning Pilot Program is intended to allow selected Local Education Providers (LEP) to offer learning experiences for their students that usually occur outside of the classroom. The statute also allows selected LEPs to count their students that are enrolled in grades nine through twelve and are participating in innovative learning opportunities as full-time pupils, regardless of the actual number of teacher-pupil instruction hours and teacher-pupil contact hours for each pupil.
Purpose/Objective of Rule The statutory basis for these rules is found in section 22-35.6-101, et. seq. C.R.S. The High School Innovative Learning Pilot Program is intended to allow selected Local Education Providers (LEP) to offer learning experiences for their students that usually occur outside of the classroom. The statute also allows selected LEPs to count their students who are enrolled in grades nine through twelve and are participating in innovative learning opportunities as full-time pupils, regardless of the actual number of teacher-pupil instruction hours and teacher-pupil contact hours for each pupil. Beginning with the 2020-21 school year, participating LEPs will submit a report to the Department by May 15th of each school year which includes information regarding the types of innovative learning opportunities provided for students, the number of students that participated in innovative learning opportunities, and outcomes achieved (see section 6.01).
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? Yes
Recent legislation bill number SB 19-216
Hearing Date 11/14/2019
Hearing Time 09:00 AM
Hearing Location 201 E. Colfax, State Board Room
Contact Name Angela Rose Maramba
Contact Title Director of State Board Relations
Contact Telephone 3038666646
Contact email Maramba_A@cde.state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules22019-00519.rtf
Adopted Date 11/14/2019
AGO requested date 11/14/2019
Attorney General Opinion 12/02/2019
Colorado Register publication date 12/25/2019
Effective Date 01/15/2020
Inserted into CCR 02/04/2020
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