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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2017-00192

CCR details

Tracking Number 2017-00192
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 500,1008,2500 Department of Human Services
Agency 2509 Social Services Rules (Volume 7; Child Welfare, Child Care Facilities)
CCR Number 12 CCR 2509-6

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 05/30/2017
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2017-00192.doc
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2017-00192.doc
Statutory Authority 26-1-107, C.R.S. (2015); 26-1-109, C.R.S. (2015); 26-1-111, C.R.S. (2015); 19-1-103, C.R.S.(2015); 26-6-106.5 C.R.S. (2015)
Applicable Federal Provisions 26-6-106 and 26-6-106.5 C.R.S. (2016)
Description of Subjects/Issues Revise multiple sections of these rules regarding home studies to reduce rules, provide consistency between foster care and adoption studies, and clarify responsibilities of staff performing and reviewing home studies. Revise rules to eliminate the need for specific time frames for renewing foster home certifications. Revise rules to allow additional time to complete provisional certificates for foster homes to ensure that all necessary certification requirements are met. To add rules requiring a comparison search, using the Court Case Management System at the State Judicial in order to to assure the safety of children and youth placed in out-of-home care. This is the Department’s response to public concern raised in August 2014. Revise rules for sexual offender and registry checks, to assure the safety of children and youth placed in out-of-home care. This is the Department’s response to public concern raised in August 2014. Corrects misspellings.
Purpose/Objective of Rule see attachment
Basis And Purpose BasisAndPurposeAttachment2017-00192.doc
Regulatory analysis RegulatoryAnalysisAttachment2017-00192.doc
Comments 16-4-8-1.6
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? No
Hearing Date 07/07/2017
Hearing Time 10:00 AM
Hearing Location CDHS, 1575 Sherman Street, 8th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
Contact Name Dennis Desparrois
Contact Title Rule Author
Contact Telephone 303-866-3632
Contact email dennis.desparrois@state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02017-00192.doc
Redline Redline2017-00192.doc
Adopted Date 08/04/2017
AGO requested date 08/10/2017
Attorney General Opinion 08/22/2017
Colorado Register publication date 09/10/2017
Effective Date 10/01/2017
Inserted into CCR 09/20/2017
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