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Code of Colorado Regulations eDocket
Official Publication of the State Administrative Rules (24-4-103(11) C.R.S.)

Details of Tracking Number   2016-00393

CCR details

Tracking Number 2016-00393
Type of Filing Permanent Rule
Department 300 Department of Education
Agency 301 Colorado State Board of Education
CCR Number 1 CCR 301-57

Proposed rule

Notice Filed with SOS 08/15/2016
Rule ProposedRuleAttach2016-00393.doc
Additional Information AddInfoAttach2016-00393.doc
Statutory Authority The statutory basis for these rules is found in §22-2-106 (1) (a), C.R.S., State Board duties; §22-2-107 (1) (c), C.R.S., State Board powers; and §22-7-604.5, C.R.S., alternative education campuses and §22-11-210 (1) (b), C.R.S., Public schools - annual review.
Description of Subjects/Issues These rules are being revised to incorporate new criteria for public schools to demonstrate that they are an alternative education campus, which additional criteria were established by H.B. 11-1277 and included in §22-7-604.5, C.R.S. The statutory basis for the revision to these rules is found in §22-2-106 (1) (a), C.R.S., State Board duties; §22-2-107 (1) (c), C.R.S., State Board powers; and §22-7-604.5, C.R.S., alternative education campuses and §22-11-210 (1) (b), C.R.S., Public schools - annual review. The revisions are being made in response to a request from the Committee on Legal Services. Section 22-7-604.5, C.R.S., requires the State Board to adopt rules specifying the criteria and application process for a school to be designated an alternative education campus and to adopt rules specifying the information that will be used to effectively communicate to parents of students enrolled in an alternative education campus and to the public the performance of the alternative education campus and the performance of students enrolled in the alternative education campus. Section 22-11-210 (1) (b), C.R.S., requires the State Board to promulgate rules establishing objective, measurable criteria that the Department shall apply in recommending to the State Board that an alternative education campus implement a performance, improvement, priority improvement or turnaround plan or that an alternative education campus shall be subject to restructuring.
Purpose/Objective of Rule H.B. 16-1429, which adjusted the minimum percentage of high-risk students needed to qualify as an Alternative Education Campus (AEC), modified C.R.S. 22-7-604.5 Alternative education campuses- criteria - application - rule-making. As a result, HB 16-1429 requires changes to Sections 2.04 and 3.01 in 1 CCR 301-57 the Rules for the Administration of Accountability for Alternative Education Campuses. We have removed duplicative language in Section 2.04 and drafted language to be inserted into Section 3.01 of 1 CCR 301-57 Rules for the Administration of Accountability for Alternative Education Campuses that articulate these requirements. In order to codify the provisions in H.B. 16-1429 into rule, CDE staff recommends modifying language to Sections 2.04 and 3.01 in 1 CCR 301-57 to refer to the definition of high-risk student and criteria for an Alternative Education Campus designation in the new statutory language. Additionally, CDE recommends removing repetitive statutory language in board rules for Section 2.04 and rather refer directly to state statute.
Comments NOTE ADDED 09/20/2016: The rulemaking hearing for these rules has been changed from Wednesday, October 12th to Thursday, October 13th. The time will stay the same.
Submitted in response to issues raised by COLS/OLLS? No
Is this rule adopted in response to recent legislation? Yes
Recent legislation bill number H.B. 16-1429
Hearing Date 10/12/2016
Hearing Time 10:30 AM
Hearing Location Colorado Department of Education, State Board Room 101
Contact Name Elizabeth Cordial
Contact Title Director
Contact Telephone 303-866-6809
Contact email Cordial_e@cde.state.co.us

Adopted rule

Adopted Rules AdoptedRules02016-00393.doc
Redline Redline2016-00393.doc
Adopted Date 10/13/2016
AGO requested date 10/19/2016
Attorney General Opinion 10/31/2016
Colorado Register publication date 11/25/2016
Effective Date 12/15/2016
Inserted into CCR 12/01/2016
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